There was a woman who had basal cell carcinoma skin cancer on the crown of her head and was cured with the help of her daughter who insisted that she try applying baking soda paste on the affected place.
The mother was skeptical at first but her daughter Azizo, who is an admired writer and supporter of natural remedies, convinced her after she had read many studies about people who have successfully treated skin cancer with a mixture of baking soda.
She has gone under three surgeries and after each one of them, the cancer returned even more aggressive than before. After that, the mother decided to use the benefits of mother nature, and started applying a mixture of baking soda and raw organic coconut oil.
She was aware that coconut oil has regenerative and healing powers when she started using the paste. She also found out that coconut oil is a perfect associate to baking soda. She didn’t rub or massage the paste, she simply applied it on the area.
Azizo used only one pharmaceutical item, Polysporin Triple 3 Antibiotics (applied at night). You can use other antibiotics as well to protect the area from bacterial infections. A cotton ball soaked in colloidal silver works fine as well.
Once the wound heals you should stop using the antibiotics. Azizo continued applying the paste together with a cotton ball soaked in vinegar and taped the place. This way, the baking soda penetrates under the skin’s surface, to the basal cell carcinoma roots. You can also use DMSO for that purpose that works even better.
After 38 days of using the paste, Azizo’s mother was completely cured of skin cancer and the wound healed perfectly.
They used common baking soda, not a fancy and expensive one. Baking powder contains aluminium, except when the package says “aluminium free”.
Tumors can only grow in acidic environment and baking soda gives alkaline environment.
Dramatic Life And Death Story
Vernon Johnston was a veteran who had stage 3 prostate cancer. He and his wife got divorced recently and he didn’t have much money. His cancer had spread into the hip and soon became stage 4 cancer. He was going to be examined about the therapy in a few weeks when one of his sons suggested a few ingredients that will help alkalize the cells more quickly.
He wanted to try with cesium, but the order never arrived. He used baking soda and blackstrap molasses. The Trojan Horse sugar opens the cancer cells so that the alkaline influence of baking soda penetrates inside and kills the cancer cells.
After two weeks of this treatment the bone scan showed that the cancer is not spreading. The PSA decreased from 22 to 5 and eventually to 1 with this remedy and pharmaceutical prescriptions.
Vernon also received a lot of sunlight, made sure he did breathing exercises for more oxygen delivery to the affected area and started eating healthy food based on plants.
He wrote a book “Vernon’s Dance With Cancer” over the five years after using the baking soda treatment for the first time. He also gives lectures and five years later he is healthy and cancer free.
“Producing” goes after the word “alkaline”. There are alkaline substances that do not produce alkalinity in the body and there are acidic foods like limes and lemons that become alkaline in the body. What we are trying to say is don’t think that alkalized water will turn your pH level from acidic to alkaline. Baking soda though, is alkaline and gives alkalinity.
Dr. Mark Sircus wrote a book about the use of baking soda for curing cancer and other diseases, called Sodium Bicarbonate.
A former Italian Physician, Dr. Simoncini, injects a solution of baking soda in the blood vessels that feed tumors and says that baking soda is the most effective and safest anti-fungal there is. He says that cancer develops in fungal environments and that fungal environments can create cancer. Due to this statement they removed his physician certificate in Italy.
Baking soda should definitely get more attention and examination. It should at least be acclaimed as additional treatment for aggressive ailments and a cure for minor ailments.
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